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Introduction of Bureau of Urban Development, Tainan City Government

As a result of the merger between former Tainan City and County, Tainan City became a special municipality
on December 25, 2010. The Bureau of Urban Development (the Bureau) of the Tainan City Government was
established after the integration of the Office of Urban Development of the former Tainan City with the Office of
Urban and Rural Development in the former Tainan County and became a first-level agency of the Tainan City
Government. Since April 1, 2016, there have been 91 employees (including two janitors) and seven sections and
four offices in the Bureau.



Organization description:

Director-General → Deputy Director-General

→Chief Secretary→Assistant Director-General

→Chief Engineer→Deputy Chief Engineer

seven sections are listed as the following:

Planning Reviewing Section、Urban Planning Management Section、Landscape Section、Urban Renewal Section、Urban Design Section、Urban Planning Section、Regional Section

four offices are listed as the following:

Civil Service Ethics Office、Accounting Office、Personnel Office、Secretariat Office